Early detection of important events as well as customer interest
Identify future customer situations and business opportunities before anyone else does
Identifying business opportunities and risks in good time
The early identification of customers in transition and the accurate derivation of business opportunities and risks is essential in order to be the first to “be on the ball” and to be able to act with precision. We offer comprehensive functions that perfectly support use cases in this area.
Detailed development of finances
We provide a daily accurate forecast of all bookings as well as comprehensive representations of future finances, for example in the form of daily accurate asset developments, household accounts, liquidity considerations, BWAs or G&Vs.
This is the starting point for precisely tailored financial, asset and pension planning in the private customer sector, so that new financial or pension products can be brought into play or replaced in good time.
And for companies, it is critical to identify a lack or surplus of liquidity or the amount of tied-up capital in time to take appropriate measures for financial optimization.

Potential customers and customers in transition
Appropriate customer care and coverage with suitable products is essential for customer retention and revenue optimization. In this context, we provide early indicators for customers with potential.
In this way, you can recognize in good time whether a private customer will soon belong in affluent or private banking, whether individual support makes sense instead of team support, and much more.
Predicting customer events
Künftige Kundenereignisse können etwa 3 Monate im Voraus vorhergesagt werden. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel Immobilienkauf, größere Anschaffungen, Umzug, Arbeitgeberwechsel und Geburten.
Das schafft hervorragende Chancen für Ihren Vertrieb, der sich rechtzeitig darauf einstellen und vor allen anderen tätig werden kann.